The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative and the Latin American Social Sciences Institute (FLACSO) of Argentina presented a research contest on "Social Movements and Praxis of Gratitude".
"The main idea of the contest is to receive investigation projects that critically reflect about the notion of 'gratitude' as a social practice that forms partof the actions and philosophy of many social movements in contemporary South America in the fields related to politics, education and economy, among others," explained Dr. Cesar Ceriani Cernadas researcher of CONICET and FLACSO and general coordinator of the project. "The contest is open to all professionals in the field of social and human sciences, without restrictions of age or academic degree," he added.
The dates of presentation of the research projects will be from December 11, 2017 to March 16, 2018. A team of specialists will select the three best research proposals that will receive $ 3,000 each. The investigations will be presented on April 24 of next year in Buenos Aires in the form of projects and later in Yerevan between June 8 and 10, at the 2018 Aurora Dialogues event.